输水 & 存储

WaterConveyance& 存储_1055x377

Millions of miles of water, sewer and storm system pipes lie beneath our cities and streets. These pipe networks and conveyance systems are the support system for our way of life, transporting safe drinking water to customers and moving wastewater and stormwater to treatment facilities and discharge or reuse.

解决老化的水利首页, meeting regulatory requirements and making these systems more sustainable and resilient is crucial to ensure communities have safe and reliable water, 下水道和风暴系统. Climate change and urbanization place continuing pressure on those systems to perform for future generations.

Leading major conveyance, storage and tunnel programs around the world, including the 多哈南部污水首页计划; 新西兰’s largest-ever wastewater project, 中央拦截器; and London’s 泰晤士河潮汐隧道,雅各布斯继续被认为是非开挖技术领域的游戏规则改变者. 我们的排名是第一. 1 .输水线路及卫生设计公司 & 雨水渠 工程新闻记录.

From the conveyance and storage of treated and raw water to the collection of wastewater, 再生水和雨水, 亚洲体育博彩平台 provides a variety of urban conveyance and storage solutions for projects of all sizes, incorporating sustainability and adapting to changing environmental conditions in every project.


雅各布斯在全球范围内提供量身定制的解决方案. Our global portfolio of projects has supported clients with addressing dynamic issues like aging infrastructure, 气候变化的影响, 缺水, 洪水和经济负担能力. The solutions we develop in collaboration with our clients provide communities with the foundations they need to flourish and grow.